Now available on Scalingo: Redis 7

October 18, 2022 - 3 min read
Now available on Scalingo: Redis 7

Redis 7 is the latest major version for the Redis database. It is now available on Scalingo!

It is now the new default version when you provision a Redis data store. As usual, upgrading is an easy one-click process.

What's new in Redis 7?

Redis 7 includes a lot of improvements in almost every one of its aspects. The most noticeable are Redis Functions, ACLv2, and command introspection.

Redis Functions is a new API to manage code execution on the server. It aims to replace the use of EVAL with prior versions.

ACL, short for Access Control List, allows to managed users and authorizations when connecting to Redis. Redis 7 brings a new major version for this feature.

Command introspection gives you some insight on execution times, or the state of some subsystems. Redis 7 comes with a lot of improvements to those.

It also adds almost 50 new commands and options! You can refer to the Redis official announcement for more information.

What’s new with the Redis database on Scalingo?

On Scalingo, your data are always encrypted at rest. That means that they are stored encrypted on disks.

The encryption between the app and the database is up to the owner of the database and can be configured easily in the database dashboard by forcing the connection to use TLS as seen below:

With business plans, your database is a cluster composed of several nodes: leader and follower nodes to replicate the data, sentinels to provide high availability, and gateways as the front door to the database. You can find all the details in our introduction of the Redis High Availability at Scalingo.

The internal communication between the gateways, the Redis nodes, and the sentinels are now encrypted too! From Redis 7, to improve security and confidentiality and to target a zero-trust policy, TLS has been activated within the private subnet on all Redis nodes and Sentinels. To take advantage of it, you have nothing else to do but upgrading your Redis Database to Redis 7, as explained below.

Upgrade process

As usual, the upgrade process on Scalingo is as simple as clicking a button on the database dashboard. If you are already running the latest Redis 6 on Scalingo, you’ll be able to upgrade it to Redis 7 as shown bellow:

You may encounter a downtime during the upgrade if you are using a Scalingo sandbox or starter plan. The duration of the downtime will depend on the size of your Redis data store.

All Scalingo High Availability databases fully encrypted!

With Redis 7, all Scalingo databases with a high availability plan are now fully encrypted, even inside the cluster.

What’s coming-up next? We will continue to work on bringing new versions for your databases. Stay tuned!

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Aurélien Reeves
Aurélien Reeves
Aurélien is Senior Software Engineer at Scalingo. He is addicted to Clean Code and TDD, and is also an open-source enthusiast.

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